Now that science has improved and has better cameras, the planet is being reported again. Groups have studied Pluto and it's rotation then used mathematical formulas to determine that something else was causing Pluto's unusual rotation around our Sun. Others have used the Earth's wobble and other information to calculate the same results, there's something else out there influencing our known solar system!
One group of individuals discovered that it's more than just one planet! There are three planets, two having a Moon, and a brown dwarf star. Science is also discovering that most solar systems are binary, meaning there are two stars in each solar system.
Nemesis is the name given to the brown dwarf star that's the companion to our star. Helion is a gaseous planet closest to Nemesis with a Moon named Harrington after the Astronomer that died not long after a TV appearance explaining the Nemesis star system.
Robert Harrington, Astronomer, in the early 90's wrote a paper on the location of Planet X.
Arboda is next and is inhabited by a slave species according to Marshall Masters, a former CNN Science Features news producer, being interviewed on a episode (my guess is the Igigi spoken of in the cuneiform tablets). That's followed by Nibiru, the planet farthest from that star with a Moon named Ferrada. The oldest information about the system can be found in a set of cuneiform tablets that have been labeled The Lost Books of Enki.
So the next time you hear someone talking about the Annunaki you should listen. Based on plenty of information in the form of cuneiform tablets, other documentation, along with science, it has been proven that another solar system enters our solar system every few thousand years and we have been visited by neighboring ET. 👽
From what has been determined so far, they landed in the Tigris–Euphrates Basin which is shared between Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Iran, and Kuwait more than 400,000 years ago. They had a Space Facility, Mission Control at Nippur plus a Space Force in Sippar, all located in modern-day Iraq. According to Marshall Masters, the last time they were here was doing the time of Moses.
According to information being translated wrong or misinterpreted, Moses crossed at another location, the Sea of Reeds, not the Red Sea. The Annunaki caused the plagues on Egypt!
Articles located on the internet mentioning once again the existence of another planet.
NASA 10th planet discovered
In depth | hypothetical Planet X - NASA solar system exploration
Astronomers say they found the 10th planet - NBC News
Object bigger than Pluto discovered, called 10th planet | Space
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