Thursday, December 8, 2022

Document Of The Century!

A document is being reviewed and updated that will be considered the "Document Of The Century" by a lot of people, in the United States and elsewhere! Currently in Washington, DC, there is a document being proofed and updated that will cause changes in the reporting of UFO sightings, Secret Space Programs, reverse engineered ET technology and more. 

As we all know, the government has been keeping the entire UAP/UFO information a secret from the public and calling it a conspiracy theory. 

Swamp gas, yeah right! 🤨 

The government lost control when they allowed private industries to get involved in different aspects of the top secret information such as the top aerial manufacturing industries. They were trying to get around the issue of having to report any information that could possibly be placed in the category of the Feeedom Of Information Act (FOIA) by saying, "We don't have any information on that." Based on that act, private companies don't have to release any information unless they want to do so. Pretty sneaky huh! 🤨 From my research, the Air Force is the main military branch that is NOT cooperating with reporting anything under this topic. 

Because of the new bill (H.R.7900 - National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023), a lot of questions will be presented from those in high government positions who have never received any information when demanded even though they thought they had the top clearance level, so they thought! Many have discovered that there were levels of clearance much higher than the president, directors of certain government agencies, etc. 

It all goes back to President Truman creating a special group known as the Majestic 12 (MJ-12) and even that was repudiated for decades! Official documents have surfaced proving that the special group indeed was created and signed off by President Truman.

Based on what I've learned so far, the finishing touches are almost complete and hopefully we the people will hear something in January' 2023. They are hoping the bill will pass before the Senate leaves at year end 2022.

I don't know what was said in the meeting after the public hearing on May 17, 2022, but I'm guessing that those who were involved in that private meeting afterwards, finally put their foot down and want something done about not being able to access top secret information that's not considered a national security risk. The new bill passed the House on July 14, 2022. 

Attorney Daniel Sheehan who is involved in updating the document says that within 120 days a new agency would be establish immediately after the new bill is passed and signed. The agency that was at the May 17th hearing is defuncted. The new agency will be required to prepare reports every 90 days.

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