Now to explain densities. The Law of One explains them as being different levels of existence (planes or layers), with frequencies that go from low to high and the entities on each level are all conscious! Based on the information given I will be explaining four levels in each remaining blog post. There are twelve levels, but only eight are explained.
The Law of One messages were communicated by beings who call themselves RA, through the channel Carla Rueckert back in the eighties. It's a philosophy for the origin of the universe that tells us that all of the universe is a manifestation of one Creator.
Before Carla Rueckert there was another famous channeler name Jane Roberts with her Seth material. Lots of channelers have communicated information from other densities since the days of Jane Roberts. Some are fake and others have proven themselves to be real with undeniable higher knowledge to share with humanity that has been proven with science, in particular Quantum Physics!
Based on Carla Rueckert's channeling of Ra, there are twelve densities. Currently science can't prove or disprove the information. They're still guessing at what each level contains. We as humans still have a lot to understand about the universe we live in.
Each density (plane of existence) has subcategories that allow higher frequencies to develop for a possible move to the next one. We know it as Ascension!
For example first density has water, fire, air and earth which we know was in total chaos when the planet first developed. It wasn't until the chaos settled that another density could be implemented. Based on science that was 4.54 billion years ago, plus or minus about 50 million years.
Ra's explanation of first density of 'planetary entities' (water, fire, air and earth).
Once the chaos stopped and the first density entities learned to work together, second density entities were created.
Ra's explanation of second density of 'planetary entities' (plant life and animal life).
Now we come to third density, the level we live in where you are self-aware! Third density is short when thinking of time. According to Ra, it is a chosen level. The prelude to choice must encompass the laying of the foundation, the establishment of the 'illusion' (some call it the Matrix which can be different depending on the planet and galaxy) and the viability of that which can be made spiritually viable. The remainder of the densities is continuous refining of the choice.
Ra's explanation of third density of 'planetary entities' (human's location in the planes of existence).
Now it starts becoming unimaginable since we can only experience what is known in our current level and the two below. As we become more aware (knowledgeable) of our surroundings and advance spiritually we go to the higher subcategories mentioned above.
Fourth density is the level of love and understanding, whether it be of self or of self towards other-selves as one. There is also a negative group that still needs to learn how to harmonize with other-selves. Think of them as stuck between level three and four where they haven't learned everything needed to fully advance to the area of love and understanding. I would call it a low level fourth density area of existence or a high level third density area of existence.
Fourth density is not of:
- words unless chosen,
- heavy chemical vehicles for body complex activities,
- disharmony within self,
- disharmony within peoples.
It is not within limits of possibility to cause disharmony in any way.
It is a plane:
- where one is aware of the thoughts of others,
- where one is aware of the vibrations of others,
- of compassion and understanding of the sorrows of third density,
- striving towards wisdom or light,
- where individual differences are pronounced although automatically harmonized by group consensus.
Ra's explanation of fourth density of 'planetary entities' (the level of love and understanding)