Thursday, March 30, 2023

Planet X | Nibiru | 10th Planet

Since several decades ago scientists have known that Nibiru (also called Planet X or the 9th Planet) really exists. The information was reported in a set of encyclopedias and news articles when it was first announced! Then, mysteriously all information about the planet disappeared excluding that one year reported in an encyclopedia set which people already had in their homes!

Now that science has improved and has better cameras, the planet is being reported again. Groups have studied Pluto and it's rotation then used mathematical formulas to determine that something else was causing Pluto's unusual rotation around our Sun. Others have used the Earth's wobble and other information to calculate the same results, there's something else out there influencing our known solar system! 

One group of individuals discovered that it's more than just one planet! There are three planets, two having a Moon, and a brown dwarf star. Science is also discovering that most solar systems are binary, meaning there are two stars in each solar system. 

Nemesis is the name given to the brown dwarf star that's the companion to our star. Helion is a gaseous planet closest to Nemesis with a Moon named Harrington after the Astronomer that died not long after a TV appearance explaining the Nemesis star system.

Robert Harrington, Astronomer, in the early 90's wrote a paper on the location of Planet X. 

Arboda is next and is inhabited by a slave species  according to Marshall Masters, a former CNN Science Features news producer, being interviewed on a episode (my guess is the Igigi spoken of in the cuneiform tablets). That's followed by Nibiru, the planet farthest from that star with a Moon named Ferrada. The oldest information about the system can be found in a set of cuneiform tablets that have been labeled The Lost Books of Enki

So the next time you hear someone talking about the Annunaki you should listen. Based on plenty of information in the form of cuneiform tablets, other documentation, along with science, it has been proven that another solar system enters our solar system every few thousand years and we have been visited by neighboring ET. 👽 

From what has been determined so far, they landed in the Tigris–Euphrates Basin which is shared between Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Iran, and Kuwait more than 400,000 years ago. They had a Space Facility, Mission Control at Nippur plus a Space Force in Sippar, all located in modern-day Iraq. According to Marshall Masters, the last time they were here was doing the time of Moses. 

According to information being translated wrong or misinterpreted, Moses crossed at another location, the Sea of Reeds, not the Red Sea. The Annunaki caused the plagues on Egypt!
Articles located on the internet mentioning once again the existence of another planet.

NASA 10th planet discovered

In depth | hypothetical Planet X - NASA solar system exploration

Astronomers say they found the 10th planet - NBC News

Object bigger than Pluto discovered, called 10th planet | Space

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

The Self Pyramid

1. Self awareness - who are you? What are you doing here? Why is the world crazy right now? How do I fit into this? Question everything in your reality. 
Currently we're in the age of Pisces based on the stars. As we get ready to go into the next age, Aquarius, we are starting to rationalize our current reality.

2. Self exploration - we are now exploring sound & light frequencies for self-healing. The symbol for Aquarius always has a few waves in it. Those are about frequencies (sound & light). Most ppl think it's water. 

3. Self discovery - We learn how to use crystals, how to talk to water because it has memory and we can heal it and healing each other using consciousness, learning to heal the world w/o medications. All our problems and afflictions are energetic, so on your journey of discovery you finally recognize this through intuition.

4. Self understanding - after going through self discovery you can actively change your thoughts which changes the neurons in your brain and the DNA in your body. You create your world! As a collective "we" co-create our reality. I keep posting, "Change the mindset as a collective and change the world!", but not many understand it. 
5. Self love - as you become loving and nurturing to yourself because of self understanding, you become loving and nurturing to others and others absorb that energy also through Quantum Entanglement because everything is connected.

6. Self transformation - as stated in number 4, as you enter into self understanding you're also changing your body and mindset. Once you get good at it, you transform to a higher vibrational frequency and can continue to go higher and higher, which also radiates out to others as stated in number 5. Your free will allows you to grow and become more negative or positive, your choice. 

But, negative frequencies only go so far before they can no longer co-create with the "positive" collective! That's the 99% versus the 1% in our societies because most of us realize this is NOT what "we" want out of life. They've already started their journey of "self" and realize they need to stop concentrating on what they don't want then concentrating on what they do want! 

7. Self mastery - in order to continue rising you don't stop improving on yourself so you can then become a master of your reality and are totally aware of it using all of your senses. You're now ready for the next age, the age of Aquarius which is being called the Golden Age or The Great Year!

Time: 46:03

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Our Third Eye The Pineal Gland

Have you really given much thought to the phrase "the mark of the beast"? I think everyone knows about "the 3rd eye", which is our pineal gland. When talking about the mark, where is it placed? On your forehead, right in front of your pineal gland to try and cause you 3rd eye blindness. 

Your 3rd eye is your spiritual connection to divine information. What [they] didn't know by covering it is that the 3rd eye still functions even with a mark on your forehead. Think about it, your 3rd eye is located deep inside your brain and functions w/o sight.

When all your Chakras are in balance your pineal gland allows you to connect to higher information located in the ether, also known as the Akashic Record and your higher-self also known as your Spiritual Guides. 

Previous civilizations left us clues all over the planet about our pineal gland. You see, that gland resembles a pine cone and has similar physical properties like the inside of our eyes containing receptors. Our entire brain is a transmitter & receiver for processing all the waves, particles, sound, light and information located in the ether! Our brain was designed to limit the amount of reception processed for our conscious awareness, but under hypnosis it's been discovered that our brain (our hardware) stores a lot more information than previously recognized by science!

An experiment was performed where a small group of people went for a walk then back to the building. They were asked to write down everything they remembered seeing. Then several of them were put under hypnosis and asked again what they saw. The list was a lot longer, showing that we actually receive a lot more information than we are aware of. 

I can understand why our brains limit our perception of reality. Imagine if you could see x-rays, microwaves, ultraviolet rays, all the colors besides the ones in a rainbow, and history since time began. You'd go instantly insane because of all the information being received! Definitely an overload. 🤯

Why are they doing this?

I've heard a number of times questions about why: - the elite are doing what they are doing? - are there extraterrestrials involved in k...