Thursday, November 17, 2022

Life Is Transformational

On there is an episode (Cosmic Disclosure | ET Contact: Government & Civilian | S19 Ep 3, Time: 34:16)
discussing disclosure from another perspective: ecological, technical and spiritual. The guests discuss:
- worldwide disclosure,
- consciousness and ascension from 3D to 4D, 
- the reaction of the public, 
- the fact that extraterrestrials are already here, 
- the fact that the gov'ts won't listen to the 'civilian' Experiencers only the military ones,
- what's actually involved in disclosure, such as: 
1.) The actual number of crash retrievals and the dead or live ETs retrieved. 
2.) The religious aspect with finding out that the gods in all religions are actually ET and that they created us through DNA manipulation. (Known through Genetic Sciences and research along with ancient documentation.)
3.) The ETs are so advanced that there's nothing we can do about anything taking place on Earth, hypothetically speaking.
4.) New technology from ETs that's been back engineered or given to certain groups that have not been announced to the public.
5.) How the ET have been communicating with humans. (Telepathy and/or advanced technology.)
6.) The fact that there is and has been a hybrid program (ETs crossed with human DNA) for mellinia.

These are the topics that need to be handled very carefully so as not to cause worldwide panic.

Is there a motivational reason for finally disclosing the ET phenomenon? Yes, before the cyclical shift of the Earth's crust takes place which is long overdue based on scientific studies.

Consciousness growth (also known as the Great Awakening) is a must in order to understand that consciousness continues to evolve to ♾️ infinity as we know it! We are the co-creators of our universe (some call it a Matrix!) and as a 'collective' can create our future together using knowledge, wisdom, ❤️ love, and understanding.

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Insider Secrets of the Knights Templar

Gaia | Into The Vortex πŸŒ€

A lot of people throughout the ages have wondered what the Knights Templar gathered during their hunt for precious artifacts and where they put it all. Jimmy Church of Fade To Black Radio interviewed Grandmaster Timothy Hogan of the Knights Templar. 

In the interview Grandmaster Timothy Hogan explains that there was more than one Ark Of The Covenant collected by the Knights Templar and have been hidden in different locations around the world. 

Also, Timothy Hogan mentions all the artifacts that were in the Ark obtained by Moses and the fact that one of the Arks was stationed in the Great Pyramid to 'broadcast' electricity the same as the tower built by Nikola Tesla during the 20th century.

The Grandmaster speaks of manna that's mentioned in the Bible and says exposing some of the information and artifacts gathered by the Knights Templar would upset nations and religions of today. We're not ready to learn all the secrets yet! 

The information dates back approximately 10,000-30,000 years ago; meaning, some of the information discussed dates back before the great flood referred to by many cultures. Science named that flood period the Younger Dryas dating back 11,700 years ago. Before the great flood, Atlantis was very active in areas worldwide.

The link below is only good for 24 hours after the first click, so don't wait until later to watch it. There's a lot more information to learn from Grandmaster Timothy Hogan!

Insider Secrets Of The Knights Templar | S1 E1

Time: 39:25

Dimensions vs Densities | What's the difference? Part 3 of 3

It is not necessary for an entity to be consciously aware of the Law of One to go from third to fourth density. 

Moving forward to fifth density it is for those whoses vibrations are high enough to consciously accept the honor and duty of the Law Of One. It's the density of light or wisdom. 

The negative service-to-self entities in this density are at a high level of awareness and wisdom and have ceased activity except by thought. This group is compacted and separated from all else. Just as we are limited with the colors that we see, so are the other densities. Fifth density is perhaps best described as extremely white in vibration. In fifth density you still eat, but it can be prepared by thought! It's described as 
food nectar, ambrosia, or a light broth of golden white hue for supplying fuel to the body. 

The fifth-density entity may dissolve one body manifestation and create another. The choice of a fifth density entity or complex of entities wishing to communicate with us on third density where we can see them would choose to resemble our physical appearance. 

As positive fifth density entities move into sixth density there are virtually no entities that use outer technology for travel or communication!

Ra's explanation of fifth density of 'planetary entities' (the level of light or wisdom)

The sixth density contains a golden quality; the colors have to do with the blending into wisdom the compassion learned in fourth density, then in sixth the blending of wisdom back into a 'unified' understanding of compassion viewed with wisdom. This golden color is not in our spectrum.

In sixth density, the density of unity, the negative polarity is abandoned, for all now must be seen as love/light and light/love. This is not difficult for the positive polarity, which sends love and light to all other-selves. It is difficult to maintain service-to-self that at some point the negative polarity dwindles away.

Ra's explanation of sixth density (the level of unity)

At seventh density, we become one with all, having no memory, no identity, no past or future, but existing in the 'all'. There is past, present, and future in third density. Once removed from the space/time continuum, it may be seen that in the cycle of completion there exists only the present. 

In seventh density you are aware of the Creator. Therefore, the knowledge of 'all that is' would be available.

Ra's explanation of seventh density (the gateway cycle)

As Ra goes further into explaining densities there is a quick summary given. 

"Picture, if you will, a circle of being. We know the alpha and omega as infinite intelligence. The circle never ceases. It is present. The densities we have traversed at various points in the circle correspond to the characteristics of cycles: first, the cycle of awareness; second, the cycle of growth; third, the cycle of self-awareness; fourth, the cycle of love or understanding; fifth, the cycle of light or wisdom; sixth, the cycle of light/love, love/light, or unity; seventh, the gateway cycle; eighth, the octave which moves into a mystery we do not plumb."

Approximately one-fifth of all planetary entities in our galaxy contain awareness of one or more densities. Some planetary spheres are hospitable only for certain densities. Our planetary sphere for instance, is at this time hospitable to levels or densities one, two, three, and four. The total planets in this galaxy that we’re in having awareness of life regardless of density are 67,000,000.

In eighth density the terminology changed to an 'octave' density. Rather than try to explain it, I copied Ra's explanation of it.

"It is both omega and alpha, the spiritual mass of the infinite universes becoming one central sun or Creator once again. Then is born a new universe, a new infinity, a new Logos* which incorporates all that the Creator has experienced of Itself. In this new octave there are also those who wander. We know very little across the boundary of octave except that these beings come to aid our octave in its Logos* completion."

* Logos - created the basic conditions and vibratory rates consistent throughout our galaxy.

Ra's explanation of eighth density (a new universe)

While communicating through the channel Carla Rueckert, Ra stated that this would be the last communication on this topic. I can only assume that Ra is unaware of the information above this one. After all, a new universe can be created at this level! I guess the question of what happens once a new universe is created won't be answered by Ra. 

Nassim Haramein, a famous Physicist, Lecturer and Speaker came up with a theoretical formula and explanation of how a new universe is created which hasn't been proven, yet. 

First the explanation that a proton contains all knowledge (consciousness) needed to create everything in a Matrix (a new universe). When anything goes into a black hole, we never see it again, but what happens at the other end?! 

Nassim, thinking outside the box, thinks that if one proton escapes the black hole on the other end, that it would create the 'big bang' to start another universe! πŸ€”

Dimensions vs Densities | What's the difference? Part 2 of 3

Now to explain densities. The Law of One explains them as being different levels of existence (planes or layers), with frequencies that go from low to high and the entities on each level are all conscious! Based on the information given I will be explaining four levels in each remaining blog post. There are twelve levels, but only eight are explained.

The Law of One messages were communicated by beings who call themselves RA, through the channel Carla Rueckert back in the eighties. It's a philosophy for the origin of the universe that tells us that all of the universe is a manifestation of one Creator. 

Before Carla Rueckert there was another famous channeler name Jane Roberts with her Seth material. Lots of channelers have communicated information from other densities since the days of Jane Roberts. Some are fake and others have proven themselves to be real with undeniable higher knowledge to share with humanity that has been proven with science, in particular Quantum Physics!

Based on Carla Rueckert's channeling of Ra, there are twelve densities. Currently science can't prove or disprove the information. They're still guessing at what each level contains. We as humans still have a lot to understand about the universe we live in. 

Each density (plane of existence) has subcategories that allow higher frequencies to develop for a possible move to the next one. We know it as Ascension! 

For example first density has water, fire, air and earth which we know was in total chaos when the planet first developed. It wasn't until the chaos settled that another density could be implemented. Based on science that was 4.54 billion years ago, plus or minus about 50 million years.

Ra's explanation of first density of 'planetary entities' (water, fire, air and earth). 

Once the chaos stopped and the first density entities learned to work together, second density entities were created.

Ra's explanation of second density of 'planetary entities' (plant life and animal life).

Now we come to third density, the level we live in where you are self-aware! Third density is short when thinking of time. According to Ra, it is a chosen level. The prelude to choice must encompass the laying of the foundation, the establishment of the 'illusion' (some call it the Matrix which can be different depending on the planet and galaxy) and the viability of that which can be made spiritually viable. The remainder of the densities is continuous refining of the choice.

Ra's explanation of third density of 'planetary entities' (human's location in the planes of existence). 

Now it starts becoming unimaginable since we can only experience what is known in our current level and the two below. As we become more aware (knowledgeable) of our surroundings and advance spiritually we go to the higher subcategories mentioned above.

Fourth density is the level of love and understanding, whether it be of self or of self towards other-selves as one. There is also a negative group that still needs to learn how to harmonize with other-selves. Think of them as stuck between level three and four where they haven't learned everything needed to fully advance to the area of love and understanding. I would call it a low level fourth density area of existence or a high level third density area of existence.

Fourth density is not of: 
- words unless chosen,
- heavy chemical vehicles for body complex activities,
- disharmony within self,
- disharmony within peoples. 

It is not within limits of possibility to cause disharmony in any way. 

It is a plane: 
- where one is aware of the thoughts of others,
- where one is aware of the vibrations of others,
- of compassion and understanding of the sorrows of third density,
- striving towards wisdom or light,
- where individual differences are pronounced although automatically harmonized by group consensus.

Ra's explanation of fourth density of 'planetary entities' (the level of love and understanding)

Dimensions vs Densities | What's the difference? Part 1 of 3

First let me explain dimensions with an example of how it works. You wake up in your bed and decide to get out of it on the left, the right or at the foot of the bed. Each 'possible' decision creates a timeline. You head out your room and go to the bathroom, downstairs or your child's bedroom. 

Let's say as a young child you fell and have a scar to show for it. There's another you that caught their self before the accident happened so there's no scar.Those are more timelines created for each possible decision or action. 

As you can see there will be an unlimited amount of decisions made in one lifetime and all possibilities will exist on separate timelines continuing until you make another decision. The movie 'The One' starring Jet Li is a very good example of different dimensions and other possible lives because of decisions made. Some call it 'parallel realities'.

Some say that the Mandela Effect is a merger of timelines (Timeline Convergence Theory). Unfortunately science isn't advanced enough to prove it, or so they say. In the UFO Community whistleblowers have stated otherwise about time manipulation.

Dimensions = parallel realities (all possible scenarios.)

Why are they doing this?

I've heard a number of times questions about why: - the elite are doing what they are doing? - are there extraterrestrials involved in k...